Online Capabilities for Rigid PCBs, Flex Circuits, and Rigid-Flex Circuit Boards

Listed below is a list of our printed circuit board, flexible circuit board, and rigid-flex circuit board capabilities available at InstantPCBQuote. The fast, easy, 24/7 online PCB quote and ordering tool.

The Highest Technology PCBs Available Online

We pride ourselves on the ability to deliver the highest quality printed circuit boards and flexible circuits manufactured for some of the most demanding applications in various industries. We offer many options you won’t find on any other circuit board manufacturers’ websites.

All online orders also receive a full DFM review by an actual CAM engineer. If your printed circuit board can’t be manufactured due to a design flaw detected, we won’t just build a PCB that won’t work. If this scenario occurs, a member of our engineering department will contact you to help resolve the issues before manufacturing begins. This is the level of service you get when working with a circuit board fabricator with more than 70 years of experience manufacturing high-technology PCB designs.

Click on a link below to see the full capabilities list for each printed circuit board type.

Rigid Circuit Board Options Available Online

Our online rigid circuit board offering focuses on 8-layer PCB designs and up. With higher layer counts, we also offer larger pre-production and production quantities. Whether you need a 12-layer PCB designed with a high-temperature laminate, via-in-pad, and plated edges, we have every option covered.

Rigid PCB Options Description
Layer Count 1-16 Layer Printed Circuit Boards
Data We prefer 274X Extended Gerber format.
If your files are not in 274X, please send an Aperture file.
Maximum Board Size Dimensions up to 16"x 22"
(minimum of 0.5" x 0.5")
Arrays Allowed
Material FR406, FR408, 185HR, 370HR, FR-4 130Tg, FR-4 140Tg, FR-4 170Tg, FR-4 180Tg, 4003C, 4350B, NP-140, NP-170
Surface Finish HASL (Solder), ENIG, Immersion Silver, Entek/OSP, Unclad, PB Free HASL
Thickness 0.021" - 0.125"
Copper Plating Inner layer 0.5 oz - 5.0 oz
Outer layer 1 oz - 4 oz
Minimum Trace & Space 4 mils (0.004" - 0.008")
Minimum Hole Size Down to 10 mils finished hole size (0.01")
Maximum Hole Size Plate holes: 246 mils (0.246")
Non-Plated holes: 199 mils (0.199")
Soldermask Glossy, Matte, Glossy or Matte
LPI: openings in the solder-mask layers should be 6 mils (0.006") larger than the copper feature
Soldermask Colors Green, Black, Blue, Clear, Red, White
Silkscreen/Legend Top, Bottom, and Both sides allowed
Minimum 5 mil (0.005") trace width for legend
Silkscreen Colors White, Red, Black, Yellow, Blue, Multiple
Board Spec IPC 6012 Class II, IPC 6012 Class III, MIL-PRF-55110
Gold Fingers Gold Fingers are available with all Surface Finish.
30 u - 1 Edge, 30 u - 2 Edges, 50 u - 1 Edge, 50 u - 2 Edges
SMT Pads Allowed
Tab Route Available
Scoring V-score is accepted
Via in Pad Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Blind & Buried Vias Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Plated Slots Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Counterbore Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Plated Edges Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Countersink Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Controlled Dielectric Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Controlled Impedance Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon an engineering file review.
Electrical Testing Electrical 100% Net-List testing.
  • Optional for 1 and 2 layers
  • Mandatory for 3 layers and above
Shipping Options FedEx and UPS
  • Either Flat Rate or on your account
Payment Terms ALL major credit cards are accepted. (Purchase Orders allowed only for customers who have set up terms)

Flexible Circuit Board Options Available Online

Our online flexible circuit board options also make us one of the best sites to order from in the industry. Many circuit board manufactures say they can fabricate flex circuits, but without the proper equipment and processes, you could end up with quality issues down the round. Ordering your flexible PCBs online from a trusted source ensures you will receive the highest quality flex circuit parts.

Flex Circuit Capabilities Description
Layer Count 1-4 Layer Flexible Circuit Boards
Data We prefer 274X Extended Gerber format.
If your files are not in 274X, please send an Aperture file.
Board Spec IPC 6013 Class II Flex, IPC 6013 Class III Flex
Material Polyimide Flex, Rigid Flex High Tg
Material Thickness 0.001", 0.0005", 0.002"
Flex Thickness min 0.003" - max 0.016"
Arrays Allowed
Plating Method Pattern Plate, Selective Pad Plate
Surface Finishes ENIG, Immersion Silver, Immersion Tin, HASL, Hard Gold
Minimum Trace & Space 0.003"
Copper Weight Inner layer 0.25 oz - 2 oz
Outer layer 0.25 oz - 2 oz
Coverlay/Soldermask Type Polyimide, Flexible LPI, Polyimide/LPI
Coverlay/Soldermask Color Clear, Green, Other
Coverlay Thickness 0.001", 0.0005"
Silkscreen None, Top Only, Bottom Only, Both Sides
Silkscreen Color White, Yellow, Black, Multiple
Stiffeners Polyimide, FR-4, Polyimide & FR-4, Other
Tab Route Available
RoHS Compliant Available
Electrical Testing Electrical 100% Net-List testing.
  • Mandatory for flex circuit parts
Shipping Options FedEx and UPS
  • Either Pre-Pay or your account
Payment Terms ALL major credit cards are accepted. (Purchase orders allowed only for customers who have set up terms)

Rigid-Flex Circuit Board Options Available Online

Our online rigid-flex circuit board services make us a top choice in the industry. While many manufacturers claim to fabricate rigid-flex circuits, inadequate equipment, and processes can lead to quality issues down the line. Ordering rigid-flex PCBs online from a trusted source ensures you receive top-quality components every time.

Rigid-Flex Circuit Board Capabilities Description
Layer Count 3-8 Layer Rigid-Flex Circuit Boards
Data We prefer 274X Extended Gerber format.
If your files are not in 274X, please send an Aperture file.
Board Spec IPC 6013 Class II Flex
Rigid PCB Attributes
Material FR-4 140Tg, FR-4 150Tg, FR-4 170Tg
Finished Plating ENIG
Copper Wt. (Inner/Outer) 0.5 oz, 1 oz
Arrays Allowed
Rigid Thickness 0.047", 0.062", 0.078"
Min. Trace/Space 0.004"
Min. Spacing 0.004"
Silkscreen Top Only, Both Sides, Bottom Only, None
Silkscreen Color White, Black, Yellow
Smallest Hole Size Down to 10 mils finished hole size (0.01")
Flex PCB Attributes
Coverlay/Soldermask Type Polyimide
Coverlay/Soldermask Color Clear, Green
Coverlay Thickness 0.001"
Number of Stiffeners 0, 1, 2
Stiffener Location Single Side, Double Side
Stiffener Material FR-4
Hole Tolerance 0.003"
Flex Thickness 0.001", 0.0005"
Tab-Rout Available
Scoring V-score is accepted
Controlled Impedance Available - The lead time may be subject to change based upon engineering file review.
Flex Material Polyimide is the standard.
Soldermask Glossy is the standard.
Min. Trace/Space Anything less than 0.004” will require a custom quote.
Min. Spacing Anything less than 0.004” will require a custom quote.
Smallest Hole Size Anything less than 0.006” will require a custom quote.
Electrical Testing Electrical 100% Net-List testing.
  • Mandatory for flex circuit parts
Shipping Options FedEx and UPS
  • Either Pre-Pay or your account
Payment Terms ALL major credit cards are accepted. (Purchase orders allowed only for customers who have set up terms)

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