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PBN Announces Epec as Winner of Manufacturing Excellence Award

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[March 09, 2018: New Bedford, MA] The 2018 Manufacturing Awards hosted by Providence Business News (PBN) has announced that Epec Engineered Technologies has won a manufacturing award in the category Overall Excellence – Mid-size Manufacturer. Epec was recognized largely for its focus on supply chain management and lean manufacturing.

PBN Announces Epec as Winner of Manufacturing Excellence Award

Beginning in 2017, Epec improved its supply chain management by consolidating all small package air freight into a UPS Hong Kong warehouse. According to President Kendall Paradise "This consolidation helped us increase speed of our shipments arriving in New Bedford, adds an extra level of package inspection and verification, and allows us ship at higher volumes." Epec also increased staff in China, adding both inspectors and engineers which allows for increased capacity.

Epec has revamped its approach to lean manufacturing to include implementing a visual workplace, employee cross training, and multipoint inspections. These changes to the manufacturing process has allowed Epec to nearly double its manufacturing staff in just a few years.

"All our processes continue to evolve as we focus on bringing more value to our customers. Every employee has a goal to find a way to automate or cut out steps in the process so that we can have everyone spending more time on activities that the customer finds valuable." – Ed McMahon, CEO

Epec was among 13 other winning manufacturers of different categories selected by a panelist of judges. A recognition dinner was held at the Waterfire Arts center in Providence on Thursday, March 8th.

About Providence Business News (PBN)

Providence Business News (PBN) was founded in 1986 by Robert Bergenheim and his son Roger Bergenheim. PBN is the only dedicated news source that serves the state of Rhode Island and its business community. In 2013, New England Newspaper & Press Association named PBN the New England newspaper of the year. For more information please visit

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America's Oldest. A History of Innovation.

Over the past 70 years, the electronics manufacturing industry has changed dramatically as the industry continues to adapt to evolving demands and technology. Epec is at the forefront of innovation, with the expertise and agility to move at the speed of today’s businesses. At Epec, the customer comes first, and everything we do must be put through that filter. Whether it is developing e-commerce platforms to make it easier to work with us or creating a new product introduction (NPI) process that helps our customers get to market faster, we must focus on building the new. By doing that every day, and by always making the customer our top priority, we plan on being here for another 70 years and then some.

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Celebrating 70 Years - Epec Engineered Technologies